The Mission of Ekklesia in Education
Enable every child to hear the truth and have a choice to follow Jesus.
The Seven-Step Model for Adopting your Neighborhood School

Step 1 - Pray

Pray for the students and educators in your neighborhood school Click to Pray!

Step 2 - Share the Vision

It is God’s plan that empowers His vision through you! Proceed with confidence and speak with boldness. God’s love through you for the children and educators in your community makes your hope contagious.

Step 3 - Meet the Principal

Commend the school principal and teachers for their committed efforts to nurture and educate their students with limited resources. They know what their children need to reach academic success, and are most likely trying to achieve much with little. Ask for specific ways you can help mentor student to improve learning.

Step 4 - Make a Plan with the Principal

Most principals will begin with a project to build trust. Opportunities to work directly with students may come later. Select and agree on your project and what you will accomplish.

Step 5 - Recruit Trusted Volunteers to Implement the Plan

Watch in amazement as God orchestrates the perfect fit of volunteers with skill sets that accomplish God’s vision and meet the felt needs of your neighborhood school! After winning confidence and trust, begin to integrate Christian faith in before or after school programs with signed parent permission.

Step 6 - Celebrate with Parents

All parents love to see their children succeed, achieve their dreams, and walk with confidence into their destiny.

Step 7 - Assess, Document, Refine, and Repeat

At the conclusion of every project, meet with your school leadership. Assess and document your methods and accomplishments with possible improvements for the next opportunity to serve.

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All of God’s children are precious!
Missions and Community Programs
VCS and Ekklesia partner to bring hope to children all over the world by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and by bringing tangible goods and services to those most in need.
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